Privacy Policy

We are a not-for-profit, academic research team at James Madison University and the University of Virginia. If you decide to participate in any of the activities available at, we pledge to keep your information strictly confidential. So we can keep track of your progress, we will ask you to create a username and provide a valid e-mail address when you register. Before any analysis, all of the data you submit will be stripped of identifying information (username, e-mail address, IP address). Your data will be stored in a password-protected database on a secure server protected by a firewall. We have no interest in compromising your privacy by selling or otherwise disseminating your personal information. Your data will be used in two ways only: 1) to provide you with usable, personalized feedback, and 2) to inform our academic research, which had been approved by the University of Virginia Internal Review Board, protocol #2011-0048-00, and the James Madison University Internal Review Board, protocol #11-0192.

Questions or concerns? Please email us: